Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Slash (Archie Comics) Action Figure Based on Eastman and Laird’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures comic book series from Archie Comics! This solitary mutant turtle from...
From the classic 1980s movie Gremlins, this adorable Gizmo plush can't wait to entertain you! Just turn him on and watch him sing and dance. Gizmo features lifelike fur with...
E.T 40th Anniversary - Ultimate Dress Up E.T 7" Figure This Ultimate action figure celebrates the 40th anniversary of the beloved classic! Bring the magic and excitement of E.T. The...
PAST BEST SELLER BACK IN STOCK AGAIN! NECA is proud to present the definitive collector's version of Jason as he appeared in Friday the 13th Part 4: The Final Chapter! We've taken our classic Part 4...
By popular demand, Nightbreed comes to NECA’s clothed action figure line! From Clive Barker’s cult classic fantasy horror film, the serial killer masquerading as a psychiatrist is now an...
E.T. 40th Anniversary Ultimater E.T. Action Figure This Ultimate action figure celebrates the 40th anniversary of the beloved classic! Bring the magic and excitement of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial into your...
AC/DC 8" Angus Young Clothed Action Figure It’s hard to find a rock fan alive who hasn’t heard of Angus Young. This king of hard rock is the core of...
Rob Zombie The Munsters 8" Zombo Action Figure Hey kids, it’s Zombo! From Rob Zombie’s 2022 movie The Munsters, Zombo is coming at you live as an 8” clothed action...
NECA presents the definitive collector's version of Jason from Friday the 13th: A New Beginning! This is Jason as he appears in the nightmares that haunt Tommy, who has been...
The Shredder lives! After suffering defeat at the hands of the turtles, the leader of the Foot Clan plots his revenge. Desperate to vanquish his foes, Shredder consumes the last...