Highball Graphics AD-1 HO Canadian National Accessory Decals Fire Extinguisher & Backboard Logos Waterslide Decal Set NIBAdditional Information:
Highball Graphics
Microscale 87-1123 HO Data Boxcar Door Markings Yellow NIBCirca: 1930-40Scale: HO ScaleEquipment Type: Boxcar - Door Markings - YellowDescription: Boxcar - Door Markings - Yellow - Waterslide Decal - HO...
Microscale 87-958 HO Maine Central Diesels (1960-70) Green & Gold Scheme NIBCirca: 1960-70Scale: HO ScaleEquipment Type: Diesel - Hoods - Green & Gold SchemeDescription: Maine Central Diesels, (1960-70)-Diesel - Hoods...
Microscale MC-4137 HO Canadian Pacific CPR CP Rail National Steel Car 3-Bay Centerflow Covered Hoppers 1994-1997 NIBCirca: 1994-97Scale: HO ScaleEquipment Type: Hopper - Center Flow - 3-Bay - CP RailDescription:...
Model Builder's Supply Line 50049 HO Brick Windows Arches & Details NIBModel Builder’s Supply styrene plastic sheets are suitable for architectural models and scratch building projects. Large 10" x 14"...
Precision Design Co. 1601 HO Extreme Load No. One KIT NIB1601 is the first kit in our EXTREME LOAD series. She was part of a train spotted in Southern Ontario,...
Precision Design Co. HO Early Chessie System Loco Hood Lettering Waterslide Decal Set NIBThese decals for Early EMD and GE Hood units were created based on photos and shop drawings...
Precision Design Co. HO RBOX Ghost Lettering Set 1 Waterslide Decal Set NIBRailbox has been a staple on North American rails since 1974.The cool thing about these black and yellow...
Precision Design Co. HO RBOX Ghost Lettering Set 2 Waterslide Decal Set NIBRailbox has been a staple on North American rails since 1974.The cool thing about these black and yellow...
T2 Decals HOFOOD008 HO Food Sign Decals Set #8 NIBPre-weathered waterslide decal signs are made using photos of real signs. Easily applied to structures and sign frames. Cut to fit...